Harbison is a Jasper Hill original. The cheese gets its name from Anne Harbison, affectionately known as the grandmother of Greensboro. She’s active in our community, runs a bed and breakfast, works in the public library, and is delighted that we’re honoring her with a namesake cheese.
Harbison’s thick but spoonable paste balances rich, sweet-cream flavors with vegetal complexity. Each wheel is cinched with a strip of spruce cambium, or interior bark layer, harvested from
Jasper Hill’s woodlot. This technique adds woodsy nuance to the ripening cheese, while providing structure as the interior softens to a gooey texture when fully ripe. When a bit younger, the bark can be peeled away for sliced portioning. If the bark has fused with a more loosened paste, then its best to leave the bark intact and spoon out portions fromthe top.
Pair with sparkling wine, apple cider, or a fresh IPA and serve, perhaps, with fruit mostarda and crusty bread.
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